Exam Time!

Exams Starts on March 4,2024
Tips on preparing for exams

Make a realistic revision schedule. …
Find a revision style that suits you. …
Customise your notes to make them more personal. …
Make sure you understand everything. …
Look at past exam papers. …
Take regular short breaks. …
Reward yourself. …
Do something physical.

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Welcome Note

I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to Laureate International School. We teachers and administrators are persistent and steadfast in providing a rich and rewarding learning experience for our students that fosters the development of curious, lifelong learners. We are blessed to have a dedicated staff that is committed to providing excellence in education through open dialogue and teamwork. Our goal is to build upon the character and family values that have already been established within each child at home so that all of our students may ultimately make proper and just lifetime decisions and enrich the lives of others in their communities.

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